Inclusion, Diversity & Equity for All Leander (IDEAL) launches video series to help residents get to know city council and mayoral candidates in the 2021 municipal election.
In preparation for the upcoming municipal election, we’ve reached out to the candidates running for Mayor and City Council with questions to help our members get to know them and their points of view.
Each week for approximately the 6 weeks leading up to the election, we’ll ask them to answer 2 questions in video format — nothing professional, but just a short response of 30-60 seconds maximum on their phone or computer.
Each video will have the specific question asked of all of the candidates, followed by the submitted video replies for that question only. Thanks to everyone who shared feedback and we look forward to hearing more. To be notified when new videos are posted, follow us here, and on YouTube!
Early voting has started!
See our IDEAL Candidate endorsements.
Question 1: How do you think the City of Leander should Celebrate Black History Month? What has been done in the past? What are your ideas for the future?
Question 2: What are your thoughts on the state of Leander’s water supply and system as we grow?
Question 3: What is your stance or personal believe on the need to wear masks and social distance during an active pandemic?
Question 4: What are your thoughts about the vote in 2019 that placed limits on public comments at Leander City Council Meetings?
Question 5: How can we best celebrate the cultural diversity that Leander has and is ever increasing as we grow?
Question 6: What is your position on development, including multi-family development in general and the Crystal Lagoon / Leander Springs project specifically?
Question 7: How does Leander foster inclusion? What has been done well, and in what areas can we do better?
Question 8: What is your stance and what do you plan on doing with projects that have been paid for but not constructed, essentially abandoned projects: Senior Center, Lakewood Stage, Sunny & Bagdad Crossing, etc.?
Question 9: If an equity and diversity advisory committee were to be requested by constituents again, what would your position be, and why?
Question 10: What do you think about specific local issues of racism that Black residents have shared in recent LISD board meetings and listening sessions?
Question 11: How do you think the city of Lender should celebrate LGBTQ+ Pride month? What has been done in the past, and what are your ideas for the future? How should threats to families attending such events be treated?
Question 12: Why are you running? Why should we vote for you? What was the one issue that made you decide to run?
Are you registered to vote at your current address?
Remember, election day is May 1, and early voting begins April 19. Now’s the time to check your voter registration status at VoteTexas.gov. The last day to register or update your current address to vote in this election is April 1.
IDEAL (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity for All Leander) is a group of community members who live and work in the Leander area and want to make it a more inclusive place. Learn more about us or follow us on Facebook for the latest updates and tune in for more videos as we approach the May 1 municipal election.